Four Twenty…WOOT WOOT…RAISE DA ROOF (i guess)
After picking up some friends from the infamous Philly International, I trekked back to Drexel University to see the BX3 show. First and foremost, I was very impressed with the World Café Live. It was almost live visiting a mall. 3 levels, 2 stages, radio station…ya can’t get much better than that. Thinking I was late, I was actually just in time. Before walking in, I knew the sounds of the bass playing immediately. It had to be Jeff Berlin. Low and behold, I was right. I was proud of myself. I sat with the Innovator, but knowing how restless I get in cramped places, I moved up to the bar. Jeff was EXCELLENT. Jeff was the master, this was a clinic. Sure he looks like my dad now, but he played the bass with incredible ease and featured some medleys of his recent Lumpy Jazz CD. After he was finished his set, Stu Hamm took to the stage and wowed the audience with his metallic crunching intertwining with powerful rhythms. Stu truly refines the ‘steel bass’ sound. He was great. Very atmospheric at times, even soulful. When Stu plays, it’s almost like he is telling a story. He can make the hairs stand up on your arm. The show was intense. And the beer was cold.
The Cosmic Troubadour Interrupted By The Cell Phone
I felt great tonight when I arrived at the World Café. Beautiful weather, doors off, driving around Center City…it was special. One good thing was accomplished…closure on two fronts. It was great seeing Chad, Ray, Ostrich, Ken….All of the sudden, I found myself enjoying Billy Sheehan! I mean I never liked Shy Boy, but, his version and playing made me realize I will always be an 80’s child at heart. (ewwww) After the show, and the useless calls, I met up with Jeff Berlin. Jeff expressed his gratitude on us airing his most recent release titled Lumpy Jazz. But the cool thing was, here’s this bass legend, not just thanking me, but going over things I had played in the past that only someone would know by reading the site. That makes you feel good. That’s your payment for your effort. Eh…what can I say…it’s the little things that get me. Jeff assured us he would be back in November on the BX3 show, and that we would world premiere the new disc when it comes out.

After this wild night’s events, I decided to do what any Philadelphian would do after a crazy night of partying and concert going. It was off to Jim’s in Olde City. When I walked in, there was definite tension. Apparently, about 10 people up in line featured 2 dudes from New York. How do we know this? Well, despite the NY garb they wore, and the disctinctive accent, they started rather loudly putting our city down, “…dumb city, stupid sports fans, this town ain’t so tough….” Meanwhile, this dude is surrounded by some of the biggest people I have ever seen in Jim’s. Black, white, and Hispanic, surrounded this social retard. They stared quietly. While the other dude kept quiet after noticing the visible hatred from the Philly faithful, this idiot kept going. With his hair slicked back thinking he was some kind of stud, I could see that the people behind him were visibly getting annoyed. Not to mention, he ticked off the chick in front of him thinking she was interested in him. That was when the problem started. Little did he know, the guy she was with had gone to the bathroom. I think you know what happened next. As her boyfriend returned, it was almost like his radar picked up a problem before he even saw this dude. It’s funny how I am always told by my New York friends how great the city, it’s people, and it’s legacy is. Meanwhile some of the dumbest, classless, knuckle draggers I have ever seen and met have been from New York. This being a prime example. It never ceases to amaze me when I try to find the brilliance in New Yorkers. Anyway, so the guy actually has the balls to say something to the girl’s boyfriend in regards to her behind. Well this suddenly this sent a shockwave through the line. Not only did this dude want to kill him, but 5 others around him in line. Defending his girl, he popped the dude square in the back of his head. Surprisingly, he did nothing. He actually started to blush. “You betta step back, yo.” That was all he had. That was it. It was then, that even the workers at Jim’s went after this guy. The main cook stopped frying onions and goes, “How ‘bout I shuv this cheesesteak right up yo ass?” Even the old lady with the cane went after this guy. I was so proud to see this ‘brotherly love’ that our city is so criticized for. I grinned from ear to ear. I couldn’t help it. I loved it. They just got out of line and walked out with people of all creeds from this quote en quote 'dumb city' chasing them out. Beautiful. Awesome. Wished I had a camera. As it came to my turn in line, I could see the cook was still visibly pissed but cracked a smile remembering me from the week prior, “Whatchu want, baby..” “The usual…” I replied. “Wiz wit fried onions…you got it…” For a dumb city that has maybe 1,000 people come through Jim’s daily, this guy seemed to know his customers.
Oh, and as for those 2 dudes? 4 blocks up, I saw the paddy wagon. Being the typical human being, I had to see what happened. Well lookie, lookie, lookie. Seems our New York friend made another appearance in this story. They arrested the obnoxious dick for harassing and punching the bouncer of one the bars on South Street. I just laughed and whistled the beginning part to Billy Joel’s The Stranger as I walked down 5th street.
God I love this city.
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