All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go

Tonight we featured an interview with drummer/composer Gregg Bendian of Interzone/The Mahavishnu Project and many other projects. Gregg was a delight. Sometimes you don't know if you are going to actually 'click' with the guest. After some unsureness, we connected immedately. There is no doubt we have the same view of the scene and how to keep it rolling. Don't thank us, just keep making music....we both win that way. We discussed the recent shows The Mahavisnu Project has performed at both Iridium and the NJProghouse…including upcoming shows with Project Object and Moogfest on 6/22/06 which will feature the Mahavishnu Project performing with Jan Hammer. Gregg was ecstatic about it as I would be! Jan freakin Hammer. At any rate, we discussed his projects including questions our international audience had for Gregg. It was a well received interview that won’t be the last. Gregg has agreed to guest DJ a program with us and may possibly bring the Mahavishnu Project in the studio for a live performance. This would be a highlight of 2006 if it does in fact happen.
Tony, Tony, Tony Has Done It Again
We featured some snippets of our upcoming interview with bass extraordinare Tony Levin. Tony talked about his upcoming shows that will carry him to Philadelphia this coming week, and rapped about the excellent new disc Resonator which debuted at #6 in the Weekly Top 20. More on that next week. We featured some new music from the Progquebec label in the excellent reissues of Libre Service - Self Service, and the Ni Vent..Ni Nouvelle. We also spotlit the 1973 classic album from guitarist Terje Rypdal and the Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away record. Unfortunately, static electricity was running rampant in the studio and gave a mint record a complete injustice. Eh...it happens. Still a great show none the less with some blasts from the pasts calling in. Funny how life moves, there's a surprise at every corner, and sometimes in every window.
Scallop and Bacon Addiction
Ever been to Wegman's? It's fucking unbelieveable. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. Its decadance was uncomparable. America at it's best. All I can say. Any place that offers to watch your shopping cart while you go up to a restaurant to eat, rules. God bless us, everyone.
This Program Ran 4 Hours and 6 Minutes
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