Pork RageWindows off....Back window open. That was this weekend. Spring has finally arrived. I had some

preproduction before the program to do with our interview with Chris Poland and Pag Pagliari. On the way to the station, I resisted the fact that I had a schedule. How awesome would it be to just drive off the road and head into the woods and hide there? How great would it be to just drop out of sight for 3 weeks? Not even calling my closest of friends. Ever think of that? Today was that day. But, I have too much going on with the show to contemplate that. At any rate, I was starving today. I decided to head to Red, Hot and Blue. I have been to several BBQ places in the area…and besides old Butch’s in Pemberton that closed down about 7 years ago, Red, Hot, and Blue does quite well…even for a franchise smoked meat business. I was in a smoked heaven haze. After eating, we left for home, thus beginning my episode of Pork Rage. The doctor identified my illness when I went on a tirade about how I knew everyone. Many people died in traffic along the way back. In my mind anyway.
Also didn’t help that the New Jersey Devils beat the Flyers today. I hate the Devils. And I hate the morons who have the audacity to say to me,
“You are from New Jersey, you should root for the Devils.” Well…first of all tool bags, I don’t root for New Yor…er..I mean North Jersey teams. Anyone who lives in South Jersey (the best part) knows that anything north of Long Beach Island is North Jersey. Forget that “…but I live in Central Jersey…”
No. It’s either north or south. You are in the north.
“But wait, you are in New Jersey…you should root for the home team.”First of all, the Devils don’t have a ‘city’ that they celebrate in when they win their Stanley Cups. They celebrate in the parking lot.
No lie. IN THE PARKING LOT OF THE MEADOWLANDS. I would rather root for a team that’s city I can see from my house…whether they won Stanley Cups or not. I have lived here my whole life and live 8 minutes from Philly. Why on earth would I root for a scum bag north Jersey team? Sports novices. They are the same people that just jump on the bandwagon when the Devils start to win because
“ooooh…I am from New Jersey….derrrr” I refer to these people as the village dummies. Hence this picture.
"ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY ANY MEGADEATH?"Ok…showtime. This made for interesting radio. As I mentioned, I had
Chris Poland and Robby Pagliari on the show to discuss not only the new Ohm CD Amino Acid Flashback, but the

upcoming tour of Ohm. They make their way to Philadelphia in early May, and I can’t wait. It was a great interview…Pag and Chris are good guys to begin with that have normal lives like the rest of us…well kinda. The influx of emails that came in Saturday night during the show were shockingly questions about Megadeath. Who would have thunk it?!!? Chris reflected on his gear and how the songs come together for both AAF and the debut, and how Pag comes up with melodies that Chris has to stop in mid-chord and scream
“PAG! THAT’S IT!” Great guys. Especially Chris, who has always been great to our show . There’s one guy that shows that fame never doesn't always go to your head. And it shows. We featured the new Izz CD My River Flows. I was never totally sold on these guys as a ‘top tier’ new prog band.
My River Flows has sold me. Excellent disc, great musicianship, beautiful female vocals in certain parts, and complicated keyboard work. They’ll be in our studios in late April. Because I couldn’t let go of my time and memories in Boston, I decided to air
The Way Up from The Pat Metheny Group. We featured the first 20 minutes of the disc. Brought me back. We also featured the new Ray Russell CD
Goodbye Svengali. This may be one of my favorites of the year so far. It’s the closest thing I can get to MMS. Some people emailed and asked about why we have been featuring Popul Vuh in our 4th Hour Space Out since January. Tom at SPV had sent us the ENTIRE remastered catalog with bonus cuts. Popul Vuh is a band/project totally worth spotlighting and saluting every week. Another reason why I have is because of the fact that I was to interview Florian just before he died….sadly it never happened.
Sometimes a Cigar is Just a SmokeListenership was great as always…our Atlanta engineer at AM was having people jump on his wireless network and surf the web illegally and he had to put the smack down on. Weird phone calls on the show ensued....It must have been a full moon last night. Big Bob South is driving to West Virginia and Ohio on a regular weekend basis, freestyle dance music now follows my show at 2am which has totally disturbed my European audience, a close friend stressing over an e-stalker, another friend stalked in an even worse way, Jack is missing, Rohario staying in on a Saturday night, and my oldest cat has decided not to use the box anymore.
And on top of all of this? Murphy’s trip to Vegas sucked.
God I miss Boston.
This Program Ran 4 Hours and 3 Minutes.
wat d fuck man
I think pork rules.
Olde City
Interview with Poland was great. Let me know who is stalking. I will beat them. It's the least I can do for those DT tix you gave me.
Bill from Hammonton?
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