The Reunion
Back in my final years of high school, I had gotten together with a few young musicians and we tried the whole 'band' thing. And it worked. But, due to one guy becoming a born again Christian, another getting this new thing called a ‘girlfriend’, and my early dabbling in radio put that baby to bed. Well, not really. In college I joined another band called Piece By Peace which was interesting….but it’s all hazy. I spent more time partying than anything else. But when I sang, I felt free. Things were cool once up on stage. But once again, the partying. I would have made the Allman Brothers back stage antics look like a tea party with some of the friends I made in that time. At any rate, I took another dive about 5 years ago with some friends from work. Bobby Blower was the bassist, (He says his name is pronounced Blauer like flower; which makes me also think, well why doesn’t he say is first name as Bowb?) Bob Blinebury on Guitar (who is very good btw), Tom McGarrity on Triangle, and of course me on Drums. They were the worst jam sessions ever. But, I still loved them. They were so much fun. Our band was called Joker’s Wild and to make a long story short, we split up a few years back. So I had gotten a phone call from Blinebury about getting the band back together. Well, we were a trio. Hours of talking and beer drinking led to nothing but a 33 minute set with constant returns to the laundry room for refreshments. All in all, a great time in Palmyra with the chills on the way back. I love those guys.
The Feast Of The Seven Polish Fishes
Saturday was a day of last minute touch ups on my script

Crawfish dip - mmmm
Clams casino – Was never a big fan but the crowd went wild.
Crabmeat deviled eggs – So good I cried.
Kielbasa – Didn’t partake
Sweet bay scallop chowder – To die for.
Main courses
Shrimp and crab bake – I heard they were good
Crab cakes -- AWESOME
Seafood lasagna – Looked great
Oyster and Cajun sausage casserole – Didn’t see it to be honest.
Turducken – Looked great but I didn’t eat it.
Scallops Florentine – Didn’t see it.
Chili – Didn’t see it.
Chicken bites in roasted red pepper sauce – Saw it but passed.
Toblerone and marshmallow fondue (I left at this point for the station)
Pumpkin pie
Frozen peanut butter pie
It was a success for the Pole. Met some cool people as well, including a guy named Anthony that was no joke on his love for jazz, its musicians, and its Philadelphia roots. We hit it off excellently and gained a new listener. See that? I am always networking.
Post Partum Depression
This was it. The third and final part of the 11th annual Top 100 CD’s of the year. The show I wait the most for….almost like a kid waiting for Christmas. The show began with Roger Lee

Just An Earthbound Misfit, I
Sunday I awoke late again, this time halfway through the first quarter of the Eagles game against the ‘Skins. My mom left 3 messages wondering if I was alive. I called back to see us up 21-3. I was happy…well kinda. I knew it was too good to be true. And it was, we won 21-19.

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts 1-5) - Incredible and literally sounded like the CD
What Do You Want From Me – It was almost like no one in the crowd knew this song. I was like wooooo!
Time – It’s not that hate Dark Side Of The Moon, but I can turn a radio on and find this at anytime.
On The Turning Away – I couldn’t help but get misty….how profound this song is and done so well.
Dogs – One of the greatest Floyd songs of all time done brilliantly by the Aussies
Take It Back – Another great song from Division Bell that I couldn’t help but reflect.
Eclipse – I went to get a beer at this point.
Astronomy Dominy – Incredible actually. Not to mention an all time fav….The light show w/lasers was awesome.
Learning To Fly – This is when I noticed how creative the stage show really was. Lot of stuff going on during this.
Great Gig In The Sky – The back up singer almost brought me to orgasm. I mean it. My eyes were teary…
Money – See Time above
Us And Them – See Money above (also went to get a beer and a smoke and saw some friends from highschool)
Pigs (Three Other Ones) – YES! THE PIG WAS OUT!!! AWESOME! I didn’t see it until halfway through the song.
One Of These Days – Bass player kicked ass.
Set Your Controls For The Heart Of The Sun – Blown away they did this one live.
Nobody Home – Touching. Really touching. I so relate to that part of the Wall.
Comfortably Numb – Left for home with the gang.

This Program Ran 4 Hours And 15 Minutes.
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