Watching The Wavs
I know….why was there no blog two weeks ago, last week, and this week? It was discovered recently that I may have Trigeminal Neuralgia. This comes from having Shingles in the past. What this does is irritate nerves in the side of the face. Now I was adamant that I at least cover all bases and go to a dentist and make sure no wisdom teeth were possibly causing problems. But according to doctors, I was a moron and didn’t know what I was talking about. Monday I had to go to the emergency room. The pain was so bad I couldn’t see out of my left eye. They gave me 2 percocets, migraine medicine, and an appointment with a neurologist. By the middle of the week, the attacks were fast and worse. My neurologist was very nice, and genuinely concerned. I told him what I thought, and like the others, thought I was nuts. Thursday morning at

I Scored A Zero This Hour
Sunday November 5th, I woke to exhaustion, and wanted sleep. I was this close to calling the

There For Me
Demise And Vestige
The Temple Within
Face The Fear
Eyes Of Denial
Voice Of Reason
The next thing I know, she gets up and starts gyrating in front of the singer Chris Salinas. Now keep in mind, this is not a club we are in. This is not an arena. This is an early 1800’s schoolhouse about the size of a small gas station. She leaves the front of the stage, and runs to the kitchen and starts talking to every person that walks by and if it was a guy, was hanging on them. I had just lit a cigarette when I saw her coming. She comes outside and her voice was at concert hall pitch. The next thing I thought was, ‘jesus…is she from Gloucester or something?’ She then asks:
“Hey, where are you from?”
“South Jersey.”
“Cool…lemme guess…Gloucester?”
She started hugging me. At this point I am thinking, if a girl like this hugging me with a linebacker for a boyfriend roaming the proghouse and can walk out at anytime, it’s time to walk away. I go in and Zero Hour continues on. She comes back in, walks to the front of the audience again. Innovator is rocking. In the best way he can, while Jim, with no expression on his face at all, was having the best time he could ever have other than working for Laser’s Edge. Karl Eisenhart was excellent by the way. Karl is the sound board engineer that knew JUST WHEN to raise the guitars on key parts. It was great. He did a hell of a job. Kevin Feeley looked like death and was wrapped tight like a bug. Fighting the flu, he still pressed on and oversaw the entire production. Just then, I turned to see the girl is in front of the stage again. This time, grabbing the microphone and feeling up the Tipton brothers while they performed. And I could see that Jason’s girlfriend was being observant while this nonsense ensued. Then the girl turns and looks at the audience of maybe 30 people and insists that they aren’t showing any spirit. THERE ARE 30 PEOPLE IN HERE. If they were to get up and act they way you are, it would be a fire hazard. Not to mention the whole place may collapse. Next thing you know the cops arrive. I run outside while Jim and the rest of the staph look on. I come to find out someone complained about the noise. And it wasn’t about the band. It was about ‘The Couple’ that were outside drinking and carrying on as if they were in Gloucester City. The cops were cool, then left. The fantastic show ended, and the next thing you know, we were going down the Turnpike and hit exit 4 in no time. I chowed out on some good soup, and made it home by 11:30 to see the final 2 minutes of the New England/Indianapolis game. Thank god the Eagles were off. That’s all I can say. I can say…I totally rocked.
The French Connection
Pole called me the week before and asked if I would be interested in attending a Flyers game at the Wachovia Center. Uhhh….duh? Not to mention there was a rumor his lovely sister would be attending. It was a great day off. It was 72 degrees and I had the windows off and the stereo blasting. It was time to drive to Greg’s with an over abundance of Genesis music in light of the recent news of the trio’s reunion. I knew it was going to happen and wasn’t that disappointed. I am a Genesis fan. I could care less if it’s the 1978-1992 lineup. If it wasn’t for that Genesis, I would not know anything about progressive rock. They opened the door to big things for me. So I could care less what my friends think. Cough cough Roger and Jack cough cough. I arrived in Clarksboro with the urge to drop a puck on someone’s head. The Flyers would be playing the Islanders. My last appearance at a Flyers game was in April in 2000. Game One of the Eastern Conference Championship Finals. It was a loss. 4-1. So my lifetime record at Flyers games: 0-1.
Greg and I left for beautiful South Philadelphia. There is a big difference between going to a Flyers game, and going to an Eagles game. First, the atmosphere. Sadly, these Flyers fans do not react as strong to their play when they are not doing well. I mean they do, but nowhere near the intensity as Eagles fans. I mean first of all, Eagles fans start throwing bodies down the bleachers. Flyers fans just turn away and yell stuff like “Hey guys, we go this way..” pointing to the opposing team’s net. Or other stuff like “RATHJE, YOU SUCK”. As the Flyers skated on ice, or if you want to call it that, you could see immediately why the Flyers are not good this year. Every team is two times smaller than them. This is clearly not going to work in the new NHL. Arriving late to the game was Greg’s sister Trina. Trina is amazing…and I will just leave it at that. She was the only one that seemed as excited as I got for music at the Flyers game. Well there had to be something other than the 3-1 debacle I would call previous to the game. We then went up to Victor’s Club where Trina found a wedding band, and where Greg would find cold Miller Light beers with Brian Propp in the background. It was then off to Finnegan’s Wake in the Spring Garden section of the city. It was then I realized how old I was. I know I still get carded for cigarettes and alcohol, but I realized I was 34 that night. Young girls with tattoos drinking shots of lemon drops, shots out of test tubes, and shots out of each other’s chest. At 26, I would have been like “WOOOOO HOOOOO! THIS IS FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!” (followed by puking on dance floor). Now I found myself a shy person…almost kidlike not maintaining eye contact with anyone. When did I age? Greg kept the night lively with shots of Vodka but it wasn’t the goose. It was the Ketel. Not a fan of the aftertaste. I went outside to smoke to find two groups of people ready to throw down. The out of town group to my left had a guy who was trying to be funny, but the Philly faithful group to my right was a bit uptight. Hey I rhymed there. Anyway, I watched back and forth as if it was a tennis match till finally everyone chilled and went back inside. I sighed and smiled. Brotherly love baby. Lifetime record at Flyers games: 0-2
Industrial Zen
There have been moments in the past where I have grabbed some exceptional guests.

The Indians Invade
After the show I was on a natural high. First time I felt that way in a while. And there was still the second part of John McLaughlin to air! By the time I got home I tried forcing myself to go to

Rest In Peace Yan Hazera
After some online difficulties with Aural Moon, program 979 was caught for the internet audience just before the second part of the McLaughlin interview aired. This part featured us talking about learning different kinds of music, and the fears involving prog rock and fusion fans stepping into the unknown with something they might actually like instead of criticizing it. All in all it was a great show but with the sad news of Yan Hazera, I couldn’t help but realize how fragile life really is. Yan was the guitarist of the project Zaar who released their self titled album on the Cuneiform records this year. He was also part of the project from a few years prior titled Sotos which also came out on Cuneiform. The only news we received was that he passed away in Spain. Sad. Young as well. I also did a recap of all the top ranking albums in the top 100 from year to year going back to 1996. It was a lot of fun looking back on those memories. They aren’t just albums….they were the buzzes from year to year. They are pieces of the past. In case you didn’t know the top ranking discs every year on the show went like this:
1991: Yes Years Box Set (Top 20)
1992: Emerson, Lake, and Palmer – Black Moon (Top 20)
1993: Ozric Tentacles -- Jurassic Shift (Top 50)
1994: Yes -- Talk (Top 50)
1995: King Crimson -- Thrak (Top 100)
1996: Anekdoten -- Nucleus
1997: Steve Hackett -- Genesis Revisited
1998: Djam Karet -- The Devouring
1999: Nathan Mahl – The Clever Use Of Shadows
2000: Transatlantic – SMPTe
2001: McGill/Manring/Stevens – Addition By Subtraction
2002: Deus Ex Machina – Cinque
2003: Kaipa – Keyholder
2004: White Willow – Storm Season
2005: The Mars Volta – Francis The Mute
Titanic Loss
Pole called me Friday and asked what I would be doing on Sunday for the game. I told him most

“Why what are you doing for the game?”
“Oh I thought that maybe you’d want to watch it from Club Box seats…no sweat I understand.”
“DUDE. I will go.”
We laughed all the way to the stadium. Well, until we walked in when it was then that the lowly Titans scored the first touchdown. Then shortly after that, we are at the one yard line, and I have my cell phone cocked and ready to call my mother so she can hear the Eagles Fight Song sung by 50,000 faithful. Well, unfortunately, that phone sat on pause as the ball was intercepted. Then before you know it the cart is being called out to take Donovan off the field. I could see the disappointment around me. I must have smoked about 5 cigarettes in the bathroom realizing the season was in fact over. How this team parallels my life is just amazing. Pole’s determination that Garcia could get us in to win this game was beyond me. Then out of the blue a guy from the row behind me goes, SORIANO WENT TO THE CUBS! GO PHILLY! I just grunted at this point. Why are we meant to suffer? Why us? This just doesn’t seem to make sense. Is it really a curse? Is it? I don’t even care anymore. I am so done it’s unbelievable. Once we got outside I had to keep Greg from killing himself. He looked like his pet just died. Then we get the word 45 minutes later, DONOVAN, TORN ACL. OUT FOR A YEAR. Nice. Just the way I wanted to keep things rolling on a positive note. A big old bag of smoked ribs closed out the night and what can I say, Pole is the man. Great ribs, great seats, but crappy football team. Oh well, this is life. Life is full of setbacks.
Déjà vu
Like a flower…slow to open…I do believe I’ve been this way before…
It’s everyman’s fantasy….to win victory….the world at his feet…..and songs of glory…
Thanksgiving weekend approached with the slow finish of the top 100 voting. People were pretty direct this year with the voting which I was happy with. Some spamming that poor Joe dealt with on a daily basis…but you always have to remind people….it’s for entertainment. I mean, the top 100’s literally have been a pretty good range on what’s what at the end of each year. It’s a lot of fun actually. I am looking forward to airing it. The three weeks are pretty wild. I was wrapped up finally by mid week which would be one of the strangest ones of all. I took a wild chance driving to Bethlehem for something I thought was the real thing. It just hasn’t been great as of late. When you are single after not being single for a long time….you know, just at that peak time you know you are ready to meet people you wonder what you are going to get yourself into. I have met some cool people in the last year, some have been a learning experience. Whether it was false promises or seeing how far someone would go to get your attention in the worst way, you definitely take something from each one.
The man seems smaller…the child stands taller….but now I know that what you sow you reap….
And every day at last must die in sleep….
I think it occurred to me as I was driving back from Bethlehem that, sometimes…you just have to go for it. Even if it means, it could all implode. But I discovered that sometimes things don’t do that when they don’t work out. Sometimes, it wasn’t even there to begin with. It was pleasant optimism on your behalf. Sometimes, even when it’s the worst outcome it could be, you may have put something else to bed that needed to be there a long time ago. Sure it sucks, but you can come back from an experience like that enlightened. It may have felt like a loss, but…I gained so much in knowing what I want.
You want to know the story of my life….
The only sin….is not loving enough….
The summation was clear...I never do stuff like that. That was a drive. I finally thought someone was on the same page. I was restless with it, though. Finally my attention was caught without wanting to cringe. Despite being apprehensive...I just did it. Took the chance. I wasn’t going to waste the light. In hindsight I think it was kind of absurd to expect so much. I crossed that line, you know? I know it was drawn so long ago, and no one comes close to that line…but it was finally crossed. It's nothing I planned to feel. This is quite fascinating, actually. I swore the field goal was good. Immaturity, disappointment and heartache were to pass. I promised myself to not walk on by. God knows how many times I hemmed and hawed and hurt people in the process.
I do believe I’ve been this way before….
You want to know the future? The last act....in a play…
A book that falls apart…..with a missing last page….
All the pastures, fall to wasteland….
You can’t take back the fruits you once enjoyed….
Maybe the weather was trying to tell me something that night…amidst the obstacles I had getting there. I realized once it was all said and done that it was something I didn't think it was…with the only difference being 100 some odd miles. I slowly walked to my Jeep with rain and wind being a bit ironic yet in a strange way, very emblematic. I drove away and the phone calls roared in on my cell with the twenty questions....I knew. I didn't want to know that I listened to what my inside was saying. Yeah I guess I know it was all for naught. I just hate how it all sounds. But seeing that I was interested was profound. Even if it was in the rain…..the pouring rain.
But now I know I’ve been this way before….
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