5 Years Later
The world is a lot different now. The pain of that last part of 2001 went away. It’s there, but not as abrasive as it was to me then. Not because I don’t want to think about it, but the event was one of the most emotionally powerful things I have ever experienced. When it’s brought up in conversations, I can always remember the day clearly like it was yesterday. In the wee hours of 9/11/01, I was doing laundry as always. I worked the 1PM to 11PM shift so being up all night was a normal way of life. At about 3AM, I walked up to my door to see my 78 year old neighbor Lena standing in her doorway. I have to admit, it was kind of creepy. I asked her if she was ok, and as I walked closer, I could see that her face was black and blue. I kept asking if she was ok, and she stated to me she was waiting for the air conditioning repair man. I said to her it was 3AM and no one would be coming now. My first thought was she must have had a fall, or something. But with her questions that followed, which were mumbled and trailing, I felt she may have had a stroke. She would later insist that she was ok. I left her to go to my parents a mile away but in the meantime I called 911 for her. I said I was concerned that she may have had a stroke since she had another bizarre episode occur a month earlier. They knew who she was and that was that. I would check when I returned to my apartment in the later hours. I was staying at my parents to take care of their cat, watch their place, etc. My plan was to get up about 11AM, mail some CD’s out at the post office, drop a buddy’s tape deck off for repairs, and then head to work. But most of all I was looking forward to hearing a real stereo in my new Jeep. The day before, I had installed a new CD player with stronger roll bar speakers. The tape deck prior hardly worked, so I mostly listen to KYW 1060. That’s the truth. I’m a news junkie. But I was looking forward to testing the CD player. I fell asleep about 4AM only to jump out of bed at 8:45. I stared at the clock and did a double take. Could it really be 8:45? This is far too early. I need to go back to sleep. I lay back down, only to stare at the ceiling. It’s 8:55. Well, if you get up now, you can get EVERYTHING done. Wash another load of clothes; maybe even have time to go out after work. So I fall out of bed and feed my parents cat. I leave. It’s ten after nine. The Mahavishnu Orchestra Birds Of Fire are cranked. It’s a beautiful day. The clearest the sky has been in a while. A truly perfect September day. As I drive to my apartment, there is very little traffic on the road. I am wondering to myself, it’s not a holiday is it? I get to my apartment, bring the laundry in, and look at my phone. 9 calls in the last 20 minutes. As I scrolled, I read; my work, a number from New York, and my radio station. What is up? I call my work, just as I am dialing the caller ID goes off. It’s Karen from work. “Karen, what’s up?” At first, I thought she was laughing. “Karen, what’s so funny?” “The towers, the towers…” “Karen, what towers?” “The World Trade Center!” “Karen what are you talking about?” I started to get nauseous, I knew something was up. “A plane, a plane..” Her soon to be husband worked in that area. “Karen…” Call waiting goes off again. This time it’s a buddy of mine working at a record label in New York. “Dude, what’s going on?” I asked. “You don’t know what’s going on news man? Turn your TV on, we’re under attack. A second plane just hit the World Trade Center.” “Holy shit, Dale let me call you back.” As I hung up the phone, I turned to run, and the phone rings and I realize I left Karen on the phone. “Karen, I will call you back.” She is sobbing. I hang up and run to the living room. I put the TV on scampering for Fox News on my remote. The image of the second plane is being replayed again and again. Oh my god. This is awful. Karen called again, and heard from Chris, he was ok and blocks away at a meeting. I was stunned. I suddenly welled up. This was just awful. What the fuck just happened. Phone rings again. It’s Reggie, my early radio show confidant and assistant. “Holy shit.” “Dude, it’s obviously a terrorist attack.” I said. “Reg, get little Reggie out of school, this is not a good thing.” We talked some more, and I started scrambling to find my parents hotel number in Rome, Italy. My phone rings again. It’s my buddy Steve. “Are you watching this?” “I know,” I replied. “A plane just crashed into the Pentagon.” I got really sick at this point. My fears began to grow, when I thought of my parents. Here’s a couple that has never gone away to a distance like this in 30 some years, and this happens. This is awful. Can they get home? When can they? I tried to get through to them, only to get constant busy signals. I was outraged. I called MCI World Com. Just ringing. I call the operator. I explain I need to make a call to Italy. She asks who my provider is. I explain only for her to reply that my service ran through the World Trade Center and they are having some difficulties with calls at this time. Then before I could even soak it in, another plane had crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. I started to wonder if Philadelphia was next. It seemed it would be in perfect range. Before I could get my bearings from the shock, both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. I broke down. Tears turned to anger. I wanted retaliation now. Finally, I get through to my parents. My mom answers, “What happened? What is going on there?” I choked up telling her everything I was seeing. How does one on vacation have fun after something like that? I arrived at work in disarray, and our boss sent us home. I sped back home and watched. My rage built up. The phone rings again, this time it’s the radio station. Bonnie asked if I would do news coverage till 5. I agreed and drove to Pemberton, N.J. I covered the news and did a professional job as I have ever done in my radio life. I covered the fall of building 7. As the hours went by, the anger turned from sadness, to depression, to the feeling of violation. I sat and wondered how this act could happen. The next day after work, I packed my Jeep with 50 gallons of water, hopped on the New Jersey Turnpike and headed north. I arrived into the Lincoln Tunnel at 11:30, only to be searched by New Jersey State Troopers. The coast guard was there, and I could even swear seeing a SWAT team there as well. I remember the police bringing mirrors in to look at the undercarriage of my Jeep. “Why are you here?” one asked. “I am here to volunteer and donate these gallons of water.” “Eagles fan, huh?” he said with only a faint grin as his eyes gazed briefly at my cap before looking at me again. “That’s noble of you, go to Chelsea pier. They have a drop off there.” I approached the toll, and spoke to the collector who explained to me she was volunteering without pay, and did not receive her last paycheck Thursday, because it was routed through the World Trade Center. This overwhelming feeling of Marshall Law surrounded me. Everyone was watching everyone. As I looked to my right facing lower Manhattan, the vision was what many of you had seen on television. But it was quiet, eerie quiet. The smell was distinct. The burnt electrical aroma completely permeated the city. As I entered Midtown at very labored speeds, there were up to 15 New York policemen at every corner. I still remember watching choirs sing God Bless America. As I approached Chelsea Pier, I waited in a small line. I informed them that I had wanted to donate my water, and I started emptying my Jeep. Then the lightening started. I wound up getting caught in a horrendous, flash thunderstorm that hindered ANY progress the workers may have had that night in their recovery efforts. As I came upon one of the piers, it was fenced off, and 4 people were standing outside, waving flags and cheering for EVERY Con Edison vehicle that passed. They cheered every policeman, fireman, and construction worker that drove by. I started to weep. And on top of this vicious storm, the temperature began to drop, producing heavy winds. But nothing deterred these fantastic people. I was truly touched. I interviewed some of these people and talked with many of their group. I then met a fantastic individual. Father Roberto Mesa. He was everywhere. People that worked at the pier were providing ponchos, hats, gloves, shoes, and boots. He insisted for me to come in and have a cup of coffee and rest. I told Father Robert, "I am ok, please.....give it to those who need it..." At any rate, he brought me in, and fixed it for me! I will never forget how sweet this man was, and the pressure that was on his shoulders. What amazed me was his ability to be everywhere at once, continuing his selflessness through the night. He even approached me later and remembered my name. I was in awe with all the turmoil, trauma, and pain surrounding this place, that there was this center point of love and care. I had people I did not even know offer me places to stay. An orthodox Jew asked me if I wanted to stay at his house and have breakfast in the morning. An older Spanish woman asked if I wanted to rest on a cot in the back. I met two gentlemen from North Jersey who teamed up with me to help bring in bagels and coffee to the firemen. Cars and trucks pulled up out front of the pier in the pouring rain to give clothing, trash bags, ice tea jugs, water jugs, sandwiches, baked goods, and other countless food items. As the work in the pier heated up, firemen started to return. The looks on their faces were that of deer in headlights. I could do nothing more but unconsciously put my hand out to thank every policemen, fireman, and other insider individual that may have walked in from the chaos. I felt heaviness in my heart. How could this happen? How could this emblematic scene in the New York skyline, along with all of its inhabitants succumb to such evil? Pointless, with no regards for human life, type of evil. But there is one thing I want all of you to keep in mind. There were more scenes of beauty amidst all this chaos. I observed closely, not missing a thing. I observed an Irish security guard helping a limping black fireman into the pier, a Puerto Rican cab driver helping a Chinese woman out of the cab then into the rest area, and carrying her cans of food she had to donate. Then a table with a Rabbi getting names of people that would be available for help the next day, a tall Greek gentleman arrived who brought in heavy sweatshirts, a Pakistani that was directing U Hauls up and back 21st and 10th avenue. I got a lump in my throat. This is America in action. This is what it is all about. This is why we are here. Only this is deeper on too many levels. At a time when differences in social issues are always a mainstay in this country, they suddenly vanished. I have never seen such unity in my life. I had hairs raised on my arm as I wrote this. All political issues, cultural disagreements, beliefs, they were shoved to the side. I worked in silence carrying goods throughout the night. My friends would call me and praise my efforts. But it wasn’t about that. I did this for me, as much as I want to help, I needed to do this. I had to. The pain was unbearable. As I drove home later that morning, I saw the center of Manhattan. The sun was not up yet, but the scene was haunting. Lower Manhattan was completely dark, only to be lit up by searchlights. The searchlights glowed amidst the smoke, shrouding silhouettes of the surrounding buildings. It is something I will never forget. I wept the whole way home. I fell asleep at 7AM, only to get up at 11AM. I arrived at work with a full beard, baseball hat, and T-shirt. My boss, who knew what I did, sent me home. I was mentally fried. I needed to go home and sleep. That’s all I wanted to do.
The Flight Of Liberty

Dr. Vernon Chong, a retired Air Force General, a surgeon with a distinguished 31-year military career who has been serving on the California Veterans Board said this:
"We would no longer be the premier country in the world." OK, so you say what's a little wounded American pride? Read on.
If we lose, "The attacks will not subside, but rather will steadily increase. Remember, they want us dead." Repeat, "They want us dead, not just quiet [Italics mine]. If they had just wanted us quiet, they would not have produced an increasing series of attacks against us over the past five years. The plan was, clearly, for terrorists to attack us until we were neutered and submissive to them."
And if we don't submit but simply withdraw from the conflict and go on about our business? For one example of what would follow, see "World Trade Center" and see the kind of living hell likely to be showered on every last holdout community in America. They will not just leave you alone if you leave them alone.
And don't expect any other nation even to try to bail us out if we end up in that predicament. By that time, they would fear reprisals and would be unable to help us.
The Islamic fascists have already picked off Spain by using terrorism to get the Spanish to pull troops out of Iraq. Spain is finished. They tried to send the same message to the British, but our cousins across the pond held firm. Thank God for Tony Blair.
Columnist Wes Vernon said this:
“We — as a people — need to take this war seriously; we and our loved ones will face a hell on earth. This past week, one United States senator who "gets it" paid a political price. Democrat Joe Lieberman lost his primary race in Connecticut. The senator will now run as an independent. Some of the bitter left-wing bloggers are suggesting Senate Democrats kick him off his committee seats and deny him membership in the Democrat caucus since he has "left" the Democrat Party.
Adding insult to injury, the man who defeated him is right out of central casting as your "Make love, not war" child of the sixties elitists. As recently as Sunday on Fox News, Ned Lamont called for cutting and running in Iraq within a year (a la the Kerry-Feingold Amendment), leaving behind personnel for "reconstruction and training," with a lick and a promise that "we'll be there to make sure that Iran and others don't come in there to create any mischief [How? Maybe by building a couple of hospitals? Now that will scare the half-crazed president of Iran]. Lamont also trashed the NSA warrantless wiretaps tracking phone conversations between terrorists abroad and jihadists in secret cells here at home. Lamont, an heir to the J.P. Morgan fortune, has said the reason Iran threatens the world with nuclear annihilation is that the Bush administration has offered too many sticks to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and "not enough carrots." Nonsense, we've tried every feasible diplomatic approach in the book. How do you negotiate with a mad dog? Mike Wallace's cordial interview with Ahmahdinejad on "60 Minutes" did not undo that dilemma.
Ned Lamont is not a serious man. His family background suggests at best a tradition of tone-deafness to threats from America's enemies. He is the grand-nephew of Corliss Lamont, an infamous Stalinist who — if he was not, as he claimed he was not, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party — arguably cheated the party of dues payments. This is not to suggest the sins of the ancestor should be visited upon the child, but it is legitimate to notice when failure to take the measure of our enemies runs in the family of a would-be U.S. Senator, if the candidate himself today appears to be carrying on that tradition.
There is no doubt the world has changed. I agree with almost everything we have done so far as a nation. All the naysayers suddenly sang a different tune when it directly affected them, then. What a silly nation we are. It's almost as if we need another big one to make everyone understand that there are no 'negotiations' with these people. Bush said it right. It’s not a clash of civilization; it’s a struggle FOR civilization.
As for my post 9/11, things looked up after, my parents arrived home from Italy as the first flight to leave that country in post 9/11. I would later find out 2 months later, that Liberty’s wing healed, and was flying around Cedar Run, and as for my neighbor Lena, she did in fact have a stroke that fateful morning. And her family thanked me for my efforts.
Le Festival Des Musiques Progressives De Montreal
Saturday’s show was a focus on this tasty looking festival taking place on September 15th, and 16th. All things look to be a go except for the recent news of the band Talisma. Talisma's bass player, Donald Fleurent, broke his arm badly a few days ago. They will not being playing at the FMPM pre-show on Thursday, September 14 2006 at La Place à Côté (4571 Papineau Street, near Mont-Royal). Disappointing. I enjoyed their 2 discs. The good news is a great band from Quebec City has volunteered to fill in at the last minute, a future Unicorn Digital recording artist, Signs of One. You'll find their website at http://www.signsofone.com/. For the first time in a while, Voiceprint Records sent us music! In our 4th Hour Space Out we featured their latest MINI-ALBUM titled Take Me To Your Future. At 37 years young, Hawkwind are releasing their latest mini-album in the new Dual Disc format. Take Me To Your Future includes visual elements as well as the traditional audio elements. One side of the disc will feature the audio segment of the album Take Me To Your Future which includes a new re working of Uncle Sam’s On Mars, Small Boy, which will be a taste from a forthcoming CD that features both Dave Brock and Bob Calvert. The Reality of Poverty is another song that features none other than Arthur Brown and former Hawkwind member Simon House…spacey man, spacey. I also featured the guitarist known as the Thunder From Down Under, Frank Gambale. He has a new compilation out titled Best Of Jazz & Rock Fusion…a great look back on the music of Gambale.
Phuckin’ Phillies
When I was a kid, the first sport anything I was

Eagles defense tee’s off on Eli. He does nothing. Eagles 35, Giants 10
This Program Ran 4 Hours and 7 Minutes
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