All That You Love, Will Be Carried Away
Saturday was a bit chaotic. I had to get my Jeep checked out because
something isn’t right. I hear grinding in my transmission. I am very, very worried. I can get it taken care of, but it will pound me financially. The car did some heating up and I fixed that at Pep Boys. But on the good side, I finally got the new JVC car stereo I wanted. That was step 1. Step 2 is to get the rear and front speakers replaced. Then lastly, step 3 is to get the subwoofer. The Jeep needs lots of repairs however. My pride and joy needs 2 new sway bars in the front. She needs a new bumper from the hit and run. The soft top roof needs to be repaired heavily (Dirt and small tears here and there). I need new driver side and passenger side zipper windows. The carpet is absolutely filthy and stained. That needs to be repaired. And last but not least, a problem I have had since I got the Jeep, has been the exhaust. And apparently, this has troubled even the previous owner. And overall, the Jeep needs to be repainted. I won’t rest till all of this is done, and the (gulp) transmission getting repaired. If that’s what the case is anyway. The stereo sounded great though. The only way I got the rumbling in my Jeep to stop was by making the stereo louder. That worked! As I waited for my stereo to get installed, I passed out in Circuit City in the new TV Chair section (they vibrate) as I watched the Memphis game. Once I was called to get back to the installation department, 2 quarters had passed. Now, those that know me know I never close my Jeep up. This stereo installer had the courtesy of closing my whole Jeep up for me. I was kinda flattered to be honest, but wanted to say, “Dude, you didn’t have to do all that. I kinda like it being open and wet with rain.” But when I realized how stupid that was to say, so I just kept quiet. So I popped my first CD in the new player….Echolyn’s The End Is Beautiful, then on to Mats/Morgan On Air With Guests. This CD smokes. Outrageously hot and sonically awesome. I could definitely tell the difference in sound depth with the new JVC. I live for music and if it’s going to be in my car, it better sound good. Look it ain’t Alpine or anything…but it serves its new purpose. When all was said and done, I was on my way to Mount Royal’s SWINEFEST 2006. Many distractions however…the Phillies were playing Florida in a make or break game to keep them alive for a possible playoff trip, my email directions to Ray Laboda never made it to them to get to the radio station for the show…and my Jeep is making funny noises underneath me.
» CD player with built-in amplifier (18 watts RMS/50 peak x 4 channels)
» plays CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs (including discs loaded with MP3 and WMA files)
» Custom Equalizer (cEQ) — offers six preset tone settings (each setting can be adjusted to your taste) and a 2-band EQ
» loudness
» detachable face
» two sets of preamp outputs (rear outputs can be switched to subwoofer mode)
» subwoofer level and frequency control
» low-pass filter
» CEA-2006 compliant amplifier
» 24-bit digital-to-analog converter
» iPod-ready
» satellite radio-ready
» 18 FM/6 AM presets
» clock
» wireless remote
» CD frequency response: 5-20,000 Hz
» CD signal-to-noise ratio: 98 dB
» FM sensitivity: 11.3 dBf
» warranty: 1 year
Throw Your Pearls Before The Swine
I arrived at the Polish chef’s annual event a bit apprehensive. Last year, I ate a lot. I mean a serious, heart stopping amount. I didn’t know if I could top last year. When I arrived…Greg’s chef hat was the first thing I saw. The smell of hickory and mesquite was in full force, while
people circled around the house drinking beer as if we were down at the shore. I saw the smoker, and was drawn to it. I pulled up a chair and let it enshroud me. Temps were riding in the 160 range and Chef Pole wasn’t happy. Banks, the Rush Chairman, made sure to the best of his ability to keep things under control and handled. By 4:00 it was inevitable…the Phillies were eliminated. A slight feeling of emptiness came over me. 162 games of hopes, disappointment, anger, happiness, disgust.......all fell to the floor. The only thing that could keep me out of the doldrums, was beautifully smoked vinegar ribs that Chef Pole is sooooooo good at. So I sat and ate, and insisted everyone turn their back to me while I ate. Kinda like Dennis Hopper as he breathed in the ether in Blue Velvet. “DON’T LOOK AT ME..” I don’t know. I just have this thing that if I don’t know you, you can’t watch me eat ribs or crabs. Weird…I know. As twilight approached, I realized that the world was a pretty small place. This guy named ‘Defaio’, at least I think, knew all my cousins from South Philadelphia, and knew the rest of my entire family. He proclaimed his love for my cousin Lori Ann who I must admit; I even had a thing for. As the night ensued, I really wanted to drink but had to be responsible. The radio show was a special edition as the New Jersey Proghouse guys were coming in. I sent out the directions to them from Pole’s, and it was time for me to get directions to the closest Dunkin Donuts. I left historic Mount Royal for the truck stop district for some hot coffee. There are times in life that good things happen. I pulled up at Dunkin Donuts by 295 north to just get a small cup…only problem was; this was a cash only store. So I had to find a MAC machine. So I pull into the truck stop…tap MAC, pay the $2.95 fee for usin the freakin thing (FUCKING CRIMINALS), smelled urine while I waited for the Gerbils inside the machine to spin my money out, and proceed to get my crack; a small with extra/extra, and a Boston Cream donut. As I am driving away, the cashier stops me. “Wait right here…”
I wait….and here he comes with a large bag of donuts. “You a good guy…tank you for the teep!”
Sometimes................ good things happen. You eventually get something back….
"This Time Alone"
[Lyrics by Ray Weston]
No sounds, this time alone
No one mentions my name, or a single word to me
Finally found this, left the rest behind
Wish I could stay like this
Feel like drifting away, visibility forever
Wide open, focus this time alone
Spring coming, sink so deep
Float so slowly as I go down
Alone at last, no circles to stand in
I've filled my head all full of me
And surrendered completely
Don't take offense if I don't want to share
These circles make me nervous
All closed in and uptight
My save me's go unheard now I've met my weakest point
I need a bit of distance for control
Nobody sees you like I do
Nobody loves you like I do
Nobody needs you like I do
Selfish, but well spent
Few and far between is the luxury of alone
Use this distance, left the rest behind
I am, I think, I want, I need, this for myself
You Touchin Me, Metuchen You
We presented our radio special centered on the New Jersey Proghouse. Like last year, we were graced with the presence of Ray Laboda, Jim Robinson, and Jon Yarger. They aren’t strangers to me or the radio show and as always, it’s a pleasure to have them on. They have made an impact in central New Jersey in the last 6 years with their small, yet personable concerts. Jim Robinson, the one I have known the longest, worked his butt off in the beginning of his concert series, to something that pretty much controls its own destiny now. In the early days of his concert series, Jim was screwed over a lot. Lying managers, low turnouts, etc. But things have gone his way like they should for good people. His reputation for his concert series now speak for themselves. Karma baby. Jim is a good guy…no agenda, no phoniness, a real person. What you see, is what you get. So his success, I feel personally over the years, is attributed to his fairness and objectiveness in the music and the people he has had over the years. Jim is also the official head cracker at Nearfest. He has done amazing things for our program as well. Him, Kevin Feeley, and Ray Laboda, were instrumental in making sure our live broadcasts in the past went over with no problems. They made sure we had equipment, extra hands, and of course, stuff to give away on the radio show. I can’t say enough about how good Jim is. Ray Laboda and I met only a few years ago. I didn’t know much about him at first, but as we got to talking, I realized he is one of the craziest, most intense, and passionate people I have ever met. The Proghouse is VERY important to him. He is vocal about how he feels, and doesn’t back down from his opinion. Ray is fair to those who are fair to him, and his rewards are obvious. He balances out Jim Robinson perfectly. Not to mention, Ray has one of the greatest sense of humors I know. His wind is disastrously strong. As for Jon Yarger…Jon has been a force in the progrock radio scene since 1996. Hence the website http://www.progradio.net/. Jon is the guy you see at most NJPH concerts running the video camera and getting a quality recording of the performances. Jon was our original internet broadcast carrier before Aural Moon took over in 1999. He was mainly quiet during the broadcast as always Saturday night. Saturday night set a milestone for the most listeners in 2006 at one interval between 1030-1130PM with 210 live listeners…great numbers. One of the big shows coming up at the NJPH will be the coming of Zero Hour on 11/5/06. That is a Sunday. The looks on all their faces when I featured the new album Specs Of Pictures Burnt Beyond sold them. These guys are going to blow the doors off of that place.
Forever Until Sunday
Sunday I decided, since the Eagles weren’t playing till Monday, to get some little things done I needed to. First, fix the lighter that hasn’t worked in my Jeep since I got it. After 2 hours of rigorous testing, we came to the realization that the wire internally was fried. So after 2 trips to Pep Boys, I found the lighter that would fit. My parent’s neighbor Jeff helped with splicing the wires to run from the fuse box and run it clean with no wires showing. It worked! And no, just because I am a smoker doesn’t mean THAT’S why I got it fixed. I needed to repair it for my second job. Hooking up my Sirius Satellite Network unit. I had the window mount along with the antenna wires and the like set up so you could hardly see it. And the lighter makes it all work…see?
COZY Analyzes Our Logo:
All That You Love, Will Be Carried Away
Saturday was a bit chaotic. I had to get my Jeep checked out because

» CD player with built-in amplifier (18 watts RMS/50 peak x 4 channels)
» plays CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs (including discs loaded with MP3 and WMA files)
» Custom Equalizer (cEQ) — offers six preset tone settings (each setting can be adjusted to your taste) and a 2-band EQ
» loudness
» detachable face
» two sets of preamp outputs (rear outputs can be switched to subwoofer mode)
» subwoofer level and frequency control
» low-pass filter
» CEA-2006 compliant amplifier
» 24-bit digital-to-analog converter
» iPod-ready
» satellite radio-ready
» 18 FM/6 AM presets
» clock
» wireless remote
» CD frequency response: 5-20,000 Hz
» CD signal-to-noise ratio: 98 dB
» FM sensitivity: 11.3 dBf
» warranty: 1 year
Throw Your Pearls Before The Swine
I arrived at the Polish chef’s annual event a bit apprehensive. Last year, I ate a lot. I mean a serious, heart stopping amount. I didn’t know if I could top last year. When I arrived…Greg’s chef hat was the first thing I saw. The smell of hickory and mesquite was in full force, while

I wait….and here he comes with a large bag of donuts. “You a good guy…tank you for the teep!”
Sometimes................ good things happen. You eventually get something back….
"This Time Alone"
[Lyrics by Ray Weston]
No sounds, this time alone
No one mentions my name, or a single word to me
Finally found this, left the rest behind
Wish I could stay like this
Feel like drifting away, visibility forever
Wide open, focus this time alone
Spring coming, sink so deep
Float so slowly as I go down
Alone at last, no circles to stand in
I've filled my head all full of me
And surrendered completely
Don't take offense if I don't want to share
These circles make me nervous
All closed in and uptight
My save me's go unheard now I've met my weakest point
I need a bit of distance for control
Nobody sees you like I do
Nobody loves you like I do
Nobody needs you like I do
Selfish, but well spent
Few and far between is the luxury of alone
Use this distance, left the rest behind
I am, I think, I want, I need, this for myself
You Touchin Me, Metuchen You
We presented our radio special centered on the New Jersey Proghouse. Like last year, we were graced with the presence of Ray Laboda, Jim Robinson, and Jon Yarger. They aren’t strangers to me or the radio show and as always, it’s a pleasure to have them on. They have made an impact in central New Jersey in the last 6 years with their small, yet personable concerts. Jim Robinson, the one I have known the longest, worked his butt off in the beginning of his concert series, to something that pretty much controls its own destiny now. In the early days of his concert series, Jim was screwed over a lot. Lying managers, low turnouts, etc. But things have gone his way like they should for good people. His reputation for his concert series now speak for themselves. Karma baby. Jim is a good guy…no agenda, no phoniness, a real person. What you see, is what you get. So his success, I feel personally over the years, is attributed to his fairness and objectiveness in the music and the people he has had over the years. Jim is also the official head cracker at Nearfest. He has done amazing things for our program as well. Him, Kevin Feeley, and Ray Laboda, were instrumental in making sure our live broadcasts in the past went over with no problems. They made sure we had equipment, extra hands, and of course, stuff to give away on the radio show. I can’t say enough about how good Jim is. Ray Laboda and I met only a few years ago. I didn’t know much about him at first, but as we got to talking, I realized he is one of the craziest, most intense, and passionate people I have ever met. The Proghouse is VERY important to him. He is vocal about how he feels, and doesn’t back down from his opinion. Ray is fair to those who are fair to him, and his rewards are obvious. He balances out Jim Robinson perfectly. Not to mention, Ray has one of the greatest sense of humors I know. His wind is disastrously strong. As for Jon Yarger…Jon has been a force in the progrock radio scene since 1996. Hence the website http://www.progradio.net/. Jon is the guy you see at most NJPH concerts running the video camera and getting a quality recording of the performances. Jon was our original internet broadcast carrier before Aural Moon took over in 1999. He was mainly quiet during the broadcast as always Saturday night. Saturday night set a milestone for the most listeners in 2006 at one interval between 1030-1130PM with 210 live listeners…great numbers. One of the big shows coming up at the NJPH will be the coming of Zero Hour on 11/5/06. That is a Sunday. The looks on all their faces when I featured the new album Specs Of Pictures Burnt Beyond sold them. These guys are going to blow the doors off of that place.
Forever Until Sunday
Sunday I decided, since the Eagles weren’t playing till Monday, to get some little things done I needed to. First, fix the lighter that hasn’t worked in my Jeep since I got it. After 2 hours of rigorous testing, we came to the realization that the wire internally was fried. So after 2 trips to Pep Boys, I found the lighter that would fit. My parent’s neighbor Jeff helped with splicing the wires to run from the fuse box and run it clean with no wires showing. It worked! And no, just because I am a smoker doesn’t mean THAT’S why I got it fixed. I needed to repair it for my second job. Hooking up my Sirius Satellite Network unit. I had the window mount along with the antenna wires and the like set up so you could hardly see it. And the lighter makes it all work…see?
COZY Analyzes Our Logo:
ScippyLisp: I've always wondered why you're wearing a helmet
ScippyLisp: and if it's archives, why do you look futuristic? ;-)
ScippyLisp: and if it is a prog show, how come you don't play Yes? >:o
ScippyLisp: and wtf is a Gagli anyway??? =-O
What Time Is it? It’s 6:30
My dad called me Sunday to say that he couldn’t go to the Eagles game on Monday night because of a recording session. Yeah I was disappointed, but quickly tried to find a partner in crime to go to the game with. I decided on bringing my brother. He happily said yes. We left for the game about 5ish to get to the Linc by 5:30. We arrived at 5:42. We were meeting my Swinefest founder Chef Pole at the game. We parked across the street, and I brought my folding chair, my grill, my walkman, my propane, my charcoal (as a backup), my brother, and my optimism. Once we arrived at the tailgate spot, I started chugging beers. I fired up the grill as well and we started on the prep for an early snack. It was then that Chef’s friend arrived at our tailgate spot. It was also then that an old friend visited me in Mr. Jaegermeister. After 5 Yuenglings, I started on it. Boy was I feeling good. Sadly, I only ate about 3 ribs. Far too worked up for the Eagles game is my thinking…but nonetheless, I am having a good time. By the time I had the third Jaeger, I was in that special place. I started talking to the tailgaters next to us, and after 2 more beers, Pippy and I were trying to GIVE ribs away. Pole's tailgating music consisted of Eagles fight songs, recordings from the field, and of course...John Facenda, the voice of god. So most of the night I kept telling everyone it was 6:30. 15 minutes to kick off, it's 6:30. We closed up shop and it was time to get into the stadium. My brother hadn't been to a regular season game with me in years, and I felt...this is kinda cool...me and my brother on my birthday kinda, are going to see an Eagles game. I think it was the first time in years I actually didn't want to kill him. Once we got to our section, up 3 flights of stairs mind you, the alcohol had kicked in full fledge. The game was tight. By halftime, and two turnovers by the Eagles, it 9-7 Green Bay. I have seen the birds CRUSH the Packers on several occasions here. I was a bit nervous. But just like the old days, the Iggles just pulled away. After chicken fingers, 2 beers, a pretzel and I forget what else, Michael and I decided to head to the lower level and see it up close. It was awesome. Lots of joy in the stadium. But of course, you can never leave a game error free:
What Time Is it? It’s 6:30
My dad called me Sunday to say that he couldn’t go to the Eagles game on Monday night because of a recording session. Yeah I was disappointed, but quickly tried to find a partner in crime to go to the game with. I decided on bringing my brother. He happily said yes. We left for the game about 5ish to get to the Linc by 5:30. We arrived at 5:42. We were meeting my Swinefest founder Chef Pole at the game. We parked across the street, and I brought my folding chair, my grill, my walkman, my propane, my charcoal (as a backup), my brother, and my optimism. Once we arrived at the tailgate spot, I started chugging beers. I fired up the grill as well and we started on the prep for an early snack. It was then that Chef’s friend arrived at our tailgate spot. It was also then that an old friend visited me in Mr. Jaegermeister. After 5 Yuenglings, I started on it. Boy was I feeling good. Sadly, I only ate about 3 ribs. Far too worked up for the Eagles game is my thinking…but nonetheless, I am having a good time. By the time I had the third Jaeger, I was in that special place. I started talking to the tailgaters next to us, and after 2 more beers, Pippy and I were trying to GIVE ribs away. Pole's tailgating music consisted of Eagles fight songs, recordings from the field, and of course...John Facenda, the voice of god. So most of the night I kept telling everyone it was 6:30. 15 minutes to kick off, it's 6:30. We closed up shop and it was time to get into the stadium. My brother hadn't been to a regular season game with me in years, and I felt...this is kinda cool...me and my brother on my birthday kinda, are going to see an Eagles game. I think it was the first time in years I actually didn't want to kill him. Once we got to our section, up 3 flights of stairs mind you, the alcohol had kicked in full fledge. The game was tight. By halftime, and two turnovers by the Eagles, it 9-7 Green Bay. I have seen the birds CRUSH the Packers on several occasions here. I was a bit nervous. But just like the old days, the Iggles just pulled away. After chicken fingers, 2 beers, a pretzel and I forget what else, Michael and I decided to head to the lower level and see it up close. It was awesome. Lots of joy in the stadium. But of course, you can never leave a game error free:
All I can say is, God Bless Philadelphia.
We got back to Pole and Pippy and the tailgate spot, and were obviously giddy. I wanted to throw a football around, but unfortunately, we had to make one. First time around I went with my folding chair...which is totally absurd I know. But only my brother could get my humor. So, as Pole played Facenda, I went into slow motion as if I was Bart Starr of the Greeeeen Bay Packerzzzzz. (Facenda voice) Pippy couldn't catch ONE of my passes. I was thoroughly dissapointed, but Sawickster came through. The closing of the night was going well until Josh came along. Who is Josh? Well, we don't know really. He just walked over to our spot, and sat in Pippy's char. Josh then proceeded to throw up all over his feet and the sidearm of the chair. Wow. Ok...uhhh...what are we going to do with this guy? At this point, I was 0 for14 on my passes, and I wasn't going to win the imaginary game I was playing at QB in my head. Josh then got up and decided to get in Pole's car. Pippy was going to pee herself from laughing. Pole walked over to him, "Josh, you can't get in my car. Just sit here." At this point, Josh threw up again, all over his arm, and his brand new, crisp Eagles hat went right in the mound. Michael and I both looked at each other and simultaneously went "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww" Live pretend TV is great. So, we got Josh a cab, and Michael headed back to the Jeep. As we walked, I thought about the upcoming opponent in Dallas. I see T.O. being a distraction all week, but he will most likely have a good day with 2 TD's. Donovan will be hot, and the offense will just pull away. Eagles 38, Dallas 20.
As we drove home, I could hear the whirring sound beneath me getting louder. This isn't good. Time to drop it off I think. Figures, so much for my nest egg.
It's 2:15 A.M. I was born now 34 years ago. I gaze at my reflection.
Program 972 Ran 4 hours and 3 minutes
Sounds like a great stereo. Hope you don't let it get rained on!!!!
You can find some good deals on car parts on ebay sometimes.
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