The Rudderrow ShuffleFinally. My Jeep was finished. It took nearly two weeks,

but the problem transmission wise, has finally been resolved. The funny part? It wasn’t even the transmission. It was the bearings that make the differential work. The Jeep also needed a Synchro kit. Or maybe they made that up. The Jeep also got what I didn’t ask for, a new clutch. I have to be honest. Despite the price, the hassle of trying to get rides everywhere, and being trapped like a prisoner in my apartment for two weeks, I was overjoyed to get my jeep back. I awoke early on Saturday to pick her up. I couldn’t help but think of all the little things I fixed, that took forever to do, the irony would result in my tranny needing repair soon after. But, my Jeep has been loyal and I can’t bash the situation really. Despite the mileage, she has really been good to me. She has shown me things and places I normally wouldn’t see…at least with a car. As I pulled up to the repair shop, there she was. My dad, being the gem he is, decided to wait this time and not take off like he did when the CLACK CLACK CLACK happened the last weekend I thought she was drivable. This may sound silly, but I wanted to hug my Jeep. I’ve never felt that way about a vehicle before. I actually wanted to hug it. I still think my Jeep and Jeeps in general, are the greatest thing that ever hit the road. Yeah it’s dirty, yeah there are stains on the floor from oil, coffee and dirt, yeah the back seat has a sheen of sugar sand on it, yeah the speakers are rigged in the sound bar till I install my new ones Tuesday, yeah the nicest thing in the car is the stereo…sure I hit a deer and his hair is still embedded in the radiator, yeah the wheel hub and fender are still bent, sure the running board on the passenger’s side is broken, but I still adore it. I don’t know why. I just do. I rolled the back window up, took the drivers side windows down and did a test drive. Siiiiiiigh. God I missed it. Shifting the gears was a bit tighter with the new clutch, and at least the whirring sound is gone. I was ecstatic. It was cold but I didn’t care. I am one with the road. I drove through Moorestown while blasting
Supper’s Ready. Every year I pull this out and still to this day find myself getting misty at the end. If you can’t admit that it moves you, either you are dead, or you must be a Borg. So after so many years of knowing this song front ward and backwards…I finally decided to reveal my interpretation of it…
Supper’s ReadyI first heard this song when I was 14 and was immediately entranced by its construction and design. So in order for me to describe this, I will need you to get your
Genesis Foxtrot CD, and put track 6 on pause. I’ll wait…………………………..
Ok ready?
i.LOVER’S LEAPThe scene begins with our main character explaining to his wife about his disappearance for the last week. She looks at him confused…perplexed. As he begins to go into the strange story, it fades back to before he vanished. The scene takes us to bedtime for a couple that hasn’t had the best of times as of late. Like anything in a relationship, the mind plays tricks and you question yourself whether in fact you are still in love with that person. The questions of uncertainty can reign dominant at times…it all begins to make things hazy. Am I ‘in’ love? Am I just going through the motions? Is our love strong enough? Can this last? These questions prior are plaguing our main character….
Walking across the sitting-room, I turn the television off.
Sitting beside you, I look into your eyes.
As the sound of motorcars fades in the night time.
I swear I saw your face change, it didn't seem quite right . . . .. .
He flashes back to the beginning of their love.
And its hello babe with your guardian eyes so blue.
Hey my baby don't you know our love is true.
The stagnation of marriage was setting in. But as he gets up to close the windows and shutters due to the bright moon, he sees an unfamiliar site. Seven priests walking on his lawn, one with a cross in his hand. They beckon him to come outside. He turns to look at his sleeping wife...
Coming closer with our eyes, a distance falls around our bodies.
Out in the garden, the moon seems very bright.
Six saintly shrouded men move across the lawn slowly,
The seventh walks in front with a cross held high in hand. .....
He remembers his wife calling him in for dinner whilst working in the garden…the first time they moved into their cottage. His fear and curiosity keep him fixated on his lawn.
And it’s hey babe your supper's waiting for you.
Hey my baby don't you know our love is true.
The scene returns to him explaining what has happened on his journey to his wife who stares at his tattered and ripped clothes. He starts crying and hugging his wife…
I've been so far from here,
Far from your warm arms.
It’s good to feel you again.
It’s been a long long time. Hasn't it?
The scene fades to our character walking into the horizon with children in large masses following him…they are dressed in white as well. He walks as if he knows what he has to do, yet has no

idea what he is supposed to do. As they walk through the lush green fields with a backdrop that could only be reproduced through art, our hero arrives with the children at a setting that is familiar to him. It’s his normal life. But he sees what he hasn’t seen before, or chose not to see before. All the simple things that engulf his life are truly a battle between what is right and wrong. A setting that seemed so comforting and not obvious to him in normal life, has all of the sudden become the most critically evil thing he has encountered. The farmer and the fireman question his faith…
ii. THE GUARANTEED ETERNAL SANCTUARY MANI know a farmer who looks after the farm,
With water clear, he cares for all his harvest.
I know a fireman who looks after the fire.
Our main character is torn. Little does he know, the devil has incarnated himself in these normal roles of peace and normality. He tries to penetrate our hero’s psyche. They ridicule and criticize his beliefs…their deception almost works…
You, can't you see he's fooled you all.
Yes, he's here again, can't you see he's fooled you all.
Share his peace,
Sign the lease.
He's a supersonic scientist,
He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man.
Look, look into my mouth he cries.
And all the children lost down many paths,
I bet my life, you'll walk inside,
Hand in hand, gland in gland,
With a spoonful of miracle,
He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary.He realizes he is in fact the Devil trying to sway him...he turns to look at the children…he finds comfort in their innocence…something he no longer has.
We will rock you, rock you little snake,
We will keep you snug and warm.
He has passed his first test of temptation.
He remembers his life. He has a home, a family, a loving wife that he wishes he was with now. How does one explain this all?
Our hero finds himself between two armies. These are armies that have fought for centuries. He’s been called into battle….
iii. IKHNATON AND ITSACON AND THEIR BAND OF MERRY MENWearing feelings on our faces while our faces took a rest,
We walked across the fields to see the children of the West,
We saw a host of dark skinned warriors standing still below the ground,
Waiting for battle.
Fights begun, they've been released.
Killing foe for peace . . . bang, bang, bang.
Bang, bang, bang . . .
And they've given me a wonderful potion,
'Cos I cannot contain my emotion.
And even though I'm feeling good,
Something tells me, I'd better activate my prayer capsule.
The side our hero is on has won…the energy of the music captures the intensity of battle.
Today's a day to celebrate, the foe have met their fate.
The order for rejoicing and dancing has come from our warlord.
Unfortunately, winning isn’t always everything…and war is not always the answer. Despite the joy of their victory…our hero contemplates his circumstance. As those around him celebrate…he realizes what sets himself apart from the warriors. He is torn yet again.
iv. HOW DARE I BE SO BEAUTIFUL?Wandering in the chaos the battle has left,
We climb up the mountain of human flesh,
To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life.
A young figure sits still by a pool,
He's been stamped "Human Bacon" by some butchery tool (he is you).
Social Security took care of this lad,
We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower.
A flower?v. WILLOW FARM
He turns to see a beautiful flower standing in front of him almost heckling him…despite its beauty you can obviously see this doesn’t fit….Narcissus is inane…and insane…the flower begins to show the worth of our hero’s life and his colorful offering to lure him to his world…
If you go down to Willow Farm, to look for butterflies, flutterbyes, gutterflies.
Open your eyes, it’s full of surprise, everyone lies, (Degrading the value of human life)
like the fox on the rocks, and the musical box. (Sees old Henry’s head knocked off)
Oh, there's Mum and Dad, and good and bad,
and everyone's happy to be here. (All the things we are raised to believe are good are everywhere…even in hell…or so he wants us to think.)
There's Winston Churchill dressed in drag,
he used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag.
The frog was a prince, the prince was a brick,
the brick was an egg,
the egg was a bird,
Hadn't you heard?
(They are going to change you to a human being!)
Yes we're happy as fish, and gorgeous as geese,
and wonderfully clean in the morning.
(Narcissus does his best to tempt our hero…..)
We’ve got everything, we’re growing everything,
We’ve got some in,
We’ve got some out,
We’ve got some wild things floating about.
Everyone, we’re changing everyone,
You name them all,
We’ve had them here,
And the real stars are still to appear.
ALL CHANGE!(The scene shows Narcissus reeling off all the celebrities that crossed to his side, including all the world leaders and people of interest)
Feel your body melt;
Mum to mud to mad to dad Dad diddley office,
Dad diddley office,
You're all full of ball. (This life is all a lie….if you join us, you will appreciate things more. Who needs faith when you have all this decadence?)
Dad to dam to dum to mum
Mum diddley washing, Mum diddley washing,
You're all full of ball.
Let me hear your lies, we're living this up to the eyes.
Momma I want you now.
(His fear begins to take over him and starts to realize, whoever this is, is not for good)
And as you listen to my voice
To look for hidden doors, tidy floors, more applause. (Our hero sees who this really is now)
You've been here all the time, (Life is hell on earth for some)
Like it or not, like what you got,
You're under the soil,
Yes deep in the soil. (We all wind up going in the same place. Is human life and faith worth it?)
So we'll end with a whistle and end with a bang and all of us fit in our places.
He has passed his second test. Satan gives up and vanishes into the ground while the costume of Narcissus he wore is ripped apart in anger at our hero not flinching. Our hero takes the children to a safe place to rest. He needs too. Dealing with Satan is traumatic and exhausting….as he sleeps he is suddenly awakened by remembering what the Farmer and Fireman did to him earlier….there are more tests yet to take my friend.
The battle of good and evil, the Apocalypse is upon us.
With the guards of Magog, swarming around,
The Pied Piper takes his children underground.
Dragon's coming out of the sea,
Shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me. (God looks at our hero)
He brings down the fire from the skies,
You can tell he's doing well by the look in human eyes.
Better not compromise. (You cannot compromise with the Devil. There are no negotiations.)
It won't be easy. (Damn right it won’t)
The battle ensues. All those that have died before have risen up. It’s what has taken place in Revelation. The seven churches, the fire, the brimstone, Satan’s minions, they are all in the heat of the battle.
666 is no longer alone,He's getting out the marrow in your backbone,
And the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll,
Gonna blow right down inside your soul.
Pythagoras with the looking-glass, reflects the full moon, (His numbers figure correctly)
In blood, he's writing the lyrics of a brand new tune.
It now fast forwards to our hero with his wife finishing his story he had no idea he would tell. Her eyes are damp…and after all the chaos, pain, insanity, and peril. All he can see are her beautiful blue eyes he swore to honor till his death…
And it’s hey babe, with your guardian eyes so blue,
Hey my baby, don't you know our love is true,
I've been so far from here,
Far from your loving arms,
Now I'm back again, and baby it's going to work out fine.
vii AS SURE AS EGGS IS EGGS (ACHING MEN'S FEET)Can't you feel our souls ignite
Shedding ever-changing colours, in the darkness of the fading night.
Like the river joins the ocean, as the germ in a seed grows
We have finally been freed to get back home.
Babies are conceived, people are freed, souls once lost are now found, all the pain, sorrow, and

sadness fall away
There's an angel standing in the sun, and he's crying with a loud voice,
"This is the supper of the mighty one".
Lord of Lords,
King of Kings,
Has returned to lead his children home,
To take them to the New Jerusalem.
And the children walk into the sunset….he stands back with his wife and watches…
At least that’s what I think…
Or what I hope….
I felt good Saturday night…maybe it was because I was driving again…what a new experience that is! I stopped off at Jack’s to pick up some music for the program, and drool over his

computer system. Jack has so many toys he could probably tap into the Pentagon’s computers if he tried. He offered up a mint vinyl copy of
Second’s Out from
Genesis. Now the reason being, last Saturday I featured
Foxtrot, and played the suite better known as
Supper’s Ready. So a lot of you emailed me to say I should play the
Phil Collins version as well seeing that
Second’s Out was released this time back in 1977. Unfortunately, I don’t have it on CD, but I still believe in vinyl for depth in sound. Unfortunately, there is popping and clicking that the beloved item does that turns off so many in this digital age. So, upon arriving at the studio, I sat in productions and listened to the album. Sounded good, no clicking, very little popping etc. Then came airplay time. It was awful. The clicking was so loud through the compressor in the FM antenna I almost stopped it. Dan in western Colorado was ripping me for playing it…while others were crucifying me for playing anything that
Phil Collins was on. Whatever. People really are shallow. Phil Collins resume alone from 1971-1981 should be suffice to say that he paid his dues. Phil is a very open minded drummer that offered his skills and only 10% of the time albeit vocals. So whatever on that. Grow up and take your blinders off. Stop the hatin. Our main premiere tonight was the new disc from keyboardist extraordinaire
Kinsey titled
Kinesthetics. This excellent new album features a who’s who of session artists.
Vinnie Colauita, Scott Henderson, Gary Willis, Alex Acuna…I could go down the list. This disc in the post airing received a ton of buzz from both local and internet. It’s calling for a second spin soo….Another big response was in the new double CD from
Richard Pinhas titled
Metatron in our 4th Hour Space Out Segment. The CD has the new sound the Pinny is goin for, but still rocks at other intervals. Features some help from the old days, and new as well on this gem from the French master. Speaking of French, I continued on with our second straight spotlight on the new discs from the
ProgQuebec label. This week it was an unearthed live concert from Maneige recorded between 1974-1975 titled
Les Porches Live. The sound quality was quite succulent, and even features a never released track from the era. After feed back was so great following independent artist
Tom Grose and his
Jetsam CD, we featured his other 06 release titled
At Bay….Not exactly the response like
Jetsam, but still was favorable. We kicked things off tonight with the iconic, landmark recording from composer/keyboardist
Patrick Moraz tited
The Story Of I. This was a milestone for Patrick, which put him at the forefront of keyboardists of the time. The sound quality in these remasters is totally worth the price. Patrick will join us soon to reflect on this new set of gems re-released. I also got a little funky in the midnight hour by featuring the new disc from
Club D'Elf titled
Now I Understand. This is more of a collective that was turned on to me by
Jeannie Becker, host of our Sunday show
Time Out For Jazz. It’s a mix of RnB, funk, jazz, rock, ambient, trance….with many indicators pointing it towards prog rock…no doubt the influence is there.
ReR just sent on the latest remaster of the 1980 album from Italian project Picchio Dal Pozzo and their
Abbiamo Tutti I Suoi Problemi. This band was one of the rare Italian bands with a heavy Canterbury influence. I think this is another underrated gem that’s a must get. After the show, I left for home with the windows still off. I was surprised there was no frost on my eyebrows once I got there. God I love my Jeep…………………………..
I Am Immersed, And Love ForgetsSunday was a tough day. The
Eagles lost to the Saints in New Orleans. A game they clearly

should have won. Well, at least they responded and scored 21 unanswered points. That’s why I believe this Eagles team is the partially the Eagles of the last few years (excluding 05-06). I have to admit, being an Eagles fan is great. At least right now. But I’ll be honest. It’s just as great when they are losing. And I mean this only in the camaraderie that the fandom has. Other than that, it’s a great excuse to get drunk early on a Sunday morning. After the game, I jetted to my house to prep for the
Strawbs concert in Philadelphia’s
Tin Angel. The date was with Roger and Cindy. This means usually, when the Strawbs play in Philly, it’s a cry fest for both me and Rohario. It hits us in a primal way…kinda like when you hear the bagpipes. Either it hits you spiritually, or you think it’s this obnoxious noisemaker that looks like a big spider. That’s what I think of the Strawbs. We arrived at
Serrano for dinner in my incognito outfit. Didn’t matter, people still knew who I was. It was nice to put faces to your listener’s names. I had some of Roger’s Duck Pizza. It was ok, but I am not a big fan of Duck. It tends to be greasy and gamey and is rarely ever a first choice. The bread was good though. Once the show started in the cramped Tin Angel, I sat next Cindy and began to take in the ambiance. The set list went like this:
Benedictus -- (Beautiful start. Always a smile to be had to see this song played)
Simple Visions -- (Great as well, besides the guy that kept yelling, “Wow, Wow, Wow”)
New World – (Maybe he was high, but the guy kicked the “Wow, Wow, Wow” up a notch)
Flower And the Young Man – (Another great story to be told that had nothing to do with the song)
Golden Salamander – (“Wow, Wow, Wow” well now he is sitting by the bathroom goin “Do it Do it”)
Two Weeks Last Summer – (I’m buzzed now, but out of the blue the Bush bashers came out and started chanting. They heard crickets following the rant. Cousins looked at them as if they were nuts)
Ghosts – (What can I say, this is a tear jerker. I can’t look at Rog during this song.)
Shine on Silver Sun (Always beautiful live, but not a personal favorite)
Autumn – (I didn’t make it through the song. Too powerful for me…sobbed through it.)
The Battle (Outside smoking)
The River/Down By the Sea (Still outside, met their road manager who was hot)
Lay Down (Got back for this. Great song…always makes me think of…)
Hero And Heroine (Do I need to explain? It’s a classic)
After the show, I spoke with Dave briefly, then Lambert, and closing out with Chas. All in all a great show, and it never seems to fail. I always meet the coolest people at these shows. Maybe that’s why I am into this music after all. Not for the music at all….As for the Eagles game against Tampa Bay this coming weekend? Eagles win in a rout. They rebound big. 31-10. Donovan has a career day.
Program 974 Ran 3 Hours And 58 Minutes.