4/30/05, 62°F.
Tonight was a milestone technologically speaking. This marked the first time since 9/28/02 when Echolyn was in our studios that we had had a live performance in studio. Scattered Planets, a space rock outfit from Philadelphia, PA was the first to test out our new equipment and studio out. It was a major success. The 4 piece featured Doug McMahan on Synth/Programming/Vox, John Cecil Price on lead guitar, Cyndee Lee Rule on Violin and whispers, and Jeff Nutkowitz. Amidst the damp weather and torrential downpours outside, Scattered Planets made the best of the tight space, but sound wise through the monitors, made up for 2 and a half years of frustration of NO performances. What delightful spooky, hypnotic sounds came out of our airwaves as we were attacked by the Gagliarchives 'INVASION FLEET". We liked it so much, we'd like to have them on again down the road. Our program peaked listenership during the middle of their performance, but the highest was during the feature of our top discs of April with a 165 listeners. bonight's program ran 4 Hours and 3 minutes.