2/26/05, 27°F.
A nice clear, cold night. The Moon and Jupiter danced closely tonight...and Henry, our security guard has switched to the daytime shift. No more in depth sports conversations with the new guy...he hates Philadelphia teams. Oh well....c'est la vie...We peaked at 11:15 PM with 143 listeners while we aired the local band from the early 90's, The Age Of Reason. These new remasters of their 2 albums were like flashbacks to the old 'DBK days...and it sounded good to me. It felt great to show our listeners a brick to our foundation. They were our first local act we ever featured, and they were our first hosted concert at Bonnie's Roxx in Atco, NJ in 1992. Looking back...they were great days. I was a young stupid DJ back in 1991 that felt he was on to something but was unsure. Years have gone by since that first night, and thousands of discs and albums have come and gone...and though you remember many of them...there's always that one band that makes you realize what you have accomplished and how far you have come. This program ran 4 hours and 10 minutes.